Page 41 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 41

“The PRD Executive Committee extends its fraternal greetings and
                            is pleased to share with you the Torrijista philosophy. Fellow PRD

                            member: the time has come for the great task of electing the
                            country’s first worker. Thanks to your vote and those of your
                            friends, Nicky shall be that worker and your fellow PRD members
                            shall be legislators, mayors, representatives, and commissioners.

                            With your vote and two others we shall win a majority.

                            Vote and take others to vote for the PRD”.

                            Berta Torrijos de Arosemena                       Jorge Abadía A.
                                       Chairperson                                      Sec. General

                             The government, bent on clinging to power, invaded even the most intimate
                     aspect of a civil servant’s life, his salary, to send him one final message. One can only
                     surmise the reaction to this remarkable document of those employee who did not share
                     in  the  alleged  Torrijista  philosophy  or  did  not  consider  themselves  fellow  party
                     members of those who signed this outrageous message. The mere fact that they had
                     access to government computers and were able to program them so that this message
                     would appear on the paychecks constitutes a glaring abuse of government resources. A
                     yet, this is but a minor instance of the partisan use to which resources were put, as shall
                     be seen in the next section of this chapter.

                            B.    “We are the State.”

                             In addition to the coercion, the manipulation, and the abuses to which the
                     thousands of civil servants were subjected –as documented in the previous section– the
                     material  resources  of  the  government  were  openly  used  in  favor  of  Barletta’s

                             No  exact  figures  can  be  given  in  connection  with  this  improper  use  of
                     government resources, in open defiance of the Constitution and the Electoral Code. A
                     detailed audit of public expenditures during the campaign would be required. And, of
                     course, the government would neither permit, nor could it withstand, such an audit.
                     However, and as previously stated, the fact that a cabinet reshuffling took place to make
                     room for people better known for their vote-buying abilities than for their professional
                     qualifications was a clear sign that the government intended to use all its resources to
                     aid its candidate.
                             He who controls ministries and autonomous bodies finds it very easy to divert
                     public  funds  to  help  a  candidate.  How  many  members  of  UNADE’s  numerous
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