Page 47 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 47

turned out in support of his candidacy. Space limitations have forced us to mention
                     only a few instances. They represent just the tip of the iceberg, perhaps 10 per cent of
                     the total. These episodes resemble roaches, crawling back into the woodwork when the
                     kitchen light is turned on, but representing only a minute fraction of the legions that
                     thrive in dank crevices and trash piles.

                            C.   Other Abuses

                             These are numerous examples of other activities geared to help Barletta’s
                     victory and to hinder Arias’s campaign:

                                   1.  Early on during the campaign, the Democratic Opposition Alliance
                                       (ADO), headed by Arias, had announced that it would hold a rally
                                       in downtown Panama City on May 4. A few weeks before the date
                                       set by ADO, the UNADE announced that it too would hold a rally
                                       on that date, very close to the location selected by ADO.
                                       If  the  two  rallies  were  held  simultaneously,  violence  would  be
                                       possible,  and  the  Defense  Forces  could  use  this  as  an  excuse  to
                                       cancel the elections. Thus, ADO was forced to move its rally up one
                                       Ominous  black  clouds  darkened  the  morning  sun  on  that  much
                                       expected Friday, May 4. A few minutes before the time set for the
                                       official beginning of the UNADE rally, it began to rain cats and dogs
                                       on the pro-government parade. Barletta could only manage a few
                                       words to his soaking audience, largely made up of civil servants
                                       forced to attend and bused downtown from all over the country.
                                       Drunkards  were  also  a  common  sight.  Booze  flowed  freely  and
                                       irresponsibly,  as  Antonio  Caño,  special  reporter  for  Madrid’s  El
                                       País, informed his reader.
                                       By contrast, the previous day the entire capital had witnessed and
                                       participated in a great opposition rally. Not one single person was
                                       forced to attend against his or her will; not a single drop of liquor
                                       was  distributed  at  the  giant  ADO  rally,  held  in  a  holiday  like
                                       atmosphere. And the weather was breezy and sunny, as in a summer

                                   2.  Seeking to prevent Colón residents from attending the ADO rally on
                                       May 3, the Defense Forces sponsored on that day a free picnic to a
                                       nearby  beach.  Many  buses  from  the  Colón  public  transportation
                                       authority were chartered to shuttle people to this unexpected beach
                                       party. Moreover, bus owners were threatened with the possible loss
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