Page 98 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 98

And  then,  on  the  morning  of  May  30,  as  the  fraudulent  president  elect
                     credentials  were  being  banded  to  Barletta,  violence  again  broke  out.  This  time,
                     however, it was not PRD hoodlums who were doing the beating but members of the
                     Defense Forces anti-riot squad.
                             Transcribed  below  are  some  paragraphs  from  the  column  Hoy  por  Hoy,
                     published in page 1A of La Prensa, on May 31, that accurately express our feelings in
                     connection with these events:

                                 “Yesterday’s barbaric behavior on the part of the Defense
                                 Forces cannot be explained, let alone justified, by the
                                 disturbances created a few minutes earlier by some
                                        demonstrators as they blocked traffic along Balboa Avenue

                                 and set fire to an official bus on Mexico Avenue.
                                 If the police intended to restore order following a temporary
                                 disturbance, all they had to do was to break up the

                                 demonstrations, as had been done several times during
                                 recent days; there would have been no more disturbances

                                 and unnecessary force would not have had to be used. But
                                 on this occasion the forces of law and order vented their
                                 anger viciously and with premeditation, upon helpless
                                 people, indiscriminately beating women, old men, teenagers

                                 and even two priests watching, horrified, their savage
                                 onslaught. A few moments later, the forces of ‘order’ broke
                                 into the Opposition Alliance headquarters, smashing
                                 furniture, destroying installations, and causing major

                                 damages… This irrational violence against people and
                                 property, more suited to a gang of outlaws than to the police
                                 force of a civilized nation, must be denounced by all, in

                                 Panama and abroad, who harbor some measure of respect
                                 for human dignity, so grievously and unfairly trampled”.

                             It  was  certainly  a  savage  display  of  police  brutality.  The  photographs  in
                     exhibit 41 show the brutality unleashed upon ADO supporters. According to “En Pocas
                     Palabras” in La Prensa of June 1, a pregnant woman had a miscarriage following a
                     police force beating. Father Fernando Guardia, also beaten, had this to say: “I stayed

                       … one witness saw opposition flags and buttons being given out at UNADE headquarters to the
                     subjects that set fire to the Civil Aeronautic bus. This incident was the pretext the “Dobermans” [the
                     Guard’s anti-riot forces] seized upon to smash ADO headquarters and crack skulls left and right”. “En
                     Pocas Palabras”, La Prensa, June 15, 1984, page 12C.
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