Page 109 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 109
“There exists currently a climate of The National Medical
uncertainty and mockery of and lack Association demands
of respect for the people’s hopes. from the Electoral
The moral harm done is irreparable; Tribunal and the
young generations have seen the National Returns Board
crumbling of democratic values that all precinct tally
with ostensibly no possibility for sheets be counted and
corrective measures”. reviewed, so that the
people may learn the true
For the Rescue of Our Values, A results of the May 6
Manifest to the Citizenry, by the
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and presidential elections and
that the winner may be
Agriculture of Panama. La Estrella proclaimed as such”.
de Panamá, August 17, 1984, page
… in the face of the shameful events that took place in our country
before, during and after the recent elections, culminating in the
announcement by the Electoral Tribunal that the pro-government
candidate had been elected by the people to be the president of the
republic …
The permanent deliberative attitude of the armed forces (contrary to
the provisions of Article 269 of the National Constitution) in connection
with major state issues implies a severe restriction of any serious
democratization process. The recent results are convincing evidence
that it is impossible to lay the foundations for a democratic system
in Panama without the Defense Forces first going back into their
barracks and becoming a wholly professional body and not a
deliberative institution, at the beck and call of the civilian government.
… to the degree that the government systems help create the belief that
peaceful, electoral means are not viable avenues for the expression of
the majority will, they are implicitly inviting the people to have recourse
to heroic measures in order to have it will be respected …
… our group demands from the pertinent authorities that they conduct a
full inspection of the returns based on honesty, decency, and fairness”.
National Coordinating Committee (CNN) of the Association of
Physicians, Dentists and Related Social Security Professionals
(AMOACSS), La Prensa, May 22, 1984, page 6A.