Page 110 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 110
WHEREAS, the past electoral campaign witnessed numerous
WHEREAS these past elections entailed the hope for a peaceful
change that would democratize our institutions and lead the
country back to a state of law;
WHEREAS these hopes of the Panamanian people have been
betrayed by the reality imposed upon them;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT RESOLVES: to reject the manner in
which the electoral campaign was conducted and the manipulation
of popular will”.
University of Santa María La Antigua, The Student Body of the
University of Santa María La Antigua (A.E.U.S.M.A.), gathered
for a special meeting and acting as the supreme representative of
all students.
La Prensa, May 29, 1984, page 6A.
“… following the recent elections… a series of grave charges
have been levelled in connection with irregularities during the
electoral process. Indeed, more than a matter of simple
irregularities, it becomes a question as to the fraudulent
nature of the entire electoral process. … we believe that the
Electoral Tribunal has been remiss in the performance of its
duties concerning a matter of such importance as a
presidential election, because form and not substance has
guided its rulings, in defiance of the constitutional provision
specifying that the Electoral Tribunal ‘is established in order
to guarantee the liberty, honesty and efficacy of the electoral
process’. (Article 36).
… To demand from the Electoral Tribunal a recount of all
precinct tally sheets in order to comply truly with the will of
the majority, the sole sovereign in any democracy”.
Committee for Democracy in Panama, Nicaragua, and
Central America, La Prensa, June 3, 1984, page 10A.