Page 68 - Anatomy-of-a-Fraud
P. 68

B.    Spurious Credentials

                             On Sunday, May 6, the front page on La Prensa reproduced a photocopy of
                     a blank but signed Electoral Tribunal document authorizing its bearer to vote at any
                     precinct. The document also certified that “the person named herein is registered with
                     the Electoral Registry”.  UNADE supporters had an abundant supply of these forms,
                     obviously obtained through illegal means. They used them to inject into the electoral
                     process thousands of persons not registered to vote. These fraudulent credentials were
                     also used to allow thousands of people to vote outside their districts and thus help some
                     favorite sons  of the regime. Copies of these forms  were submitted to  international
                     observers  from  Colombia  and  the  United  States,  specifically  to  former  Colombian
                     President Alfonso López Michelsen and former United States Ambassador to Panama,
                     William J. Jorden. It was to no avail.  They said nothing about them. (See exhibit 17).
                     These credentials “circulated freely through the capital on the eve of the elections…
                     several copies were anonymously sent to La Prensa’s news desk; others found their
                     way, also anonymously, into the hands of several persons associated with opposition
                             How many people availed themselves of these documents to vote twice or
                     more, depending on the number of copies they had in their possession? How many
                     votes did the UNADE rack up in this fashion?
                             Judging by the profuse number of spurious credentials in circulation, there
                     must have been thousands of them around. And the final margin of Barletta’s alleged
                     victory was barely 1,713 votes.

                                     “… several telephone calls confirmed last night reports
                                     to this newspaper that the San Miguelito district was
                                     flooded with credentials”.27

                             Voting ballots for UNADE parties also circulated profusely. Circulation of
                     these ballots before the election was prohibited under the Electoral Code because it is
                     an essential requirement for effective vote buying. Nevertheless, circulate they did,
                     abundantly and with impunity.

                             The existence of spurious credentials and the circulation on voting ballots
                     prior to election day is one more proof of the partial position adopted by the Electoral
                     Tribunal  and  the  National  Guard.  The  former  would  not  have  existed  without  the
                     cooperation of willing accomplices within the Tribunal who pilfered them and turned
                     them over to the UNADE. And the latter, as was the case with ballot boxes and returns

                     25  La Prensa, May 6, 1984, page 1A.
                     26  Ibid
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